Apr 13, 2022
Heja Framtiden: Det datadrivna hållbarhetsarbetet

Podcast: Heja Framtiden #301 featuring Maria Svantemark
What happens when you mix a passionate, change-making former sustainability manager with a computer science tech genius, in the middle of a pandemic? SustainLab, of course!
In conversation with Heja Framtiden’s host Christian von Essen, our CEO and co-founder Maria Svantemark shares more about how she and CTO and co-founder Kamal Hakimzadeh set out to solve some of the biggest blockers to change, and the biggest pain points facing sustainability managers. The result? A game-changing sustainability management software – SustainLab.
SustainLab is a sustainability management software that helps companies automate the collection, processing, and visualization of sustainability data, with the help of AI and machine learning. The platform also provides recommended actions based on the company’s sustainability data, benchmarks, and industry insights.
Intrigued? Give the podcast episode a listen here [podcast in Swedish]:
Heja Framtiden – 301. Maria Svantemark: Det datadrivna hållbarhetsarbetet
Inspired by something you hear in the podcast episode? Or maybe you want to learn more about how SustainLab’s sustainability management platform can help your organization accelerate its green transition? We’re happy to chat! Contact us or book a free demo today!
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